Who Does I


I am sitting here
do I
or do I not

I am sitting here
should I
or should I not

And through all of all
have I thought this through
from every angle
from every side

but then I remember
all that lies beneath
all that is unconscious
all that silently drives me

but then I remember
all this lies beneath
all this is unconscious
and wonder what does silently drive me

Is it I
about to be doing
who does I

But Again I Will


To the darkness
and the cold
I am returned
to my mistakes

and it continues
and is over and again
a return to doing wrong

the way easily
do I know not
the way straight
do I know not

and it continues
and is over and again
a return to what I thought to avoid

yet again do I try
yet again do I stumble
yet again do I fall

In the darkness
and the cold
alone in my mistakes
when again will I try
and again shall I fall

for it continues
and is over and again
for a way easily
do I know not
and a way straight
do I know not

but again I will try

But The Road Is


But of mistakes I make so many
but of expectations my own I fall so short
Yes, the voice called, but do you try again
yes, the voice called, but do you seek your better person

We all fall
but do we arise again

We all cry
but do we seek for joy ahead

We all err
but do we from it learn

We all give up
but do we then travel on
along the path our own

The road is hard
the road is long
the road knows pain
and sheds a thousand tears

the road is hard
but the road is life

And Still I Am


On goes time
and I what of I
who comes in this moment
be it I from before
or be it I not yet

So much do I crave
that that which I remember
be formed finally to a piece of I not yet

But I cannot see it
and thus feel that still I am

for the learning is quiet
and the yet still to learn is not

the repeating of things
and the repeating of me
for the learning is quiet
and the yet still to learn is not

while still they both go on
I no less than time
both move on
both towards not yet

but I cannot see it
and thus feel that still I am

the I not yet
the I that was that I still am
the I that is that lies between

for the becoming is quiet
and still I am